Gage Designs is operated by the wife and husband team of Holly and Chris Gage
Holly creates and designs all jewelry you see and she is the
jewelry instructor for all the Metal Clay classes
Chris is the guy behind the gal.
(Literally - his lapidary equipment is only 4 ft. behind hers.)
Contact Holly at hgage1@ptd.net
with any questions about her jewelry, to join an interactive online class, schedule a teaching or speaking engagement, mentoring session, or discuss custom work you might be interested in having done for yourself, a business or charitable organization.
Contact Chris at gageman@ptd.net
for any questions related his lapidary work, cabochons, or cultured opals
Gage Designs
P. O. Box 614, Bowmansville, PA 17507
717-445-5755 • www.HollyGage.com
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm (Eastern Standard Time), except holidays, show days and vacation days. If we will be out of the office, please find a post on our home page of our schedule.