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Girls with Grafts, A Burn Community Podcast:
Transformation After Trauma: A Couple’s Perspective on Post Traumatic Growth, April 9, 2024,

We've all heard of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but have you heard of post-traumatic growth? Post Traumatic Growth is all about the positive transformations people can undergo after experiencing trauma. During this episode of Girls with Grafts, we hear from Christopher Gage, a burn survivor, and his caregiver and wife, Holly, on how Post Traumatic Growth impacted their healing journeys. You'll also get a behind-the-scenes look at Chris and Holly's Warrior Scar Jewelry Workshop through their Healing Phoenix Arts Program, designed to provide a Post-Traumatic Growth experience by introducing a new perspective on healing from a traumatic event. 🎨 Through the dynamic and engaging program, Chris and Holly help survivors recognize their progress toward their future and healing.

Rio: For the Love of  Jewelers: A Jewelry Journey
Podcast. S2-08: Holly Gage, Shaping Dialogue by Casting Imperfections,
October 25, 2021,

Award-winning jeweler and certified metal clay instructor Holly Gage of Gage Designs is an active conference speaker and respected author on jewelry technique. While her creative journey began at a young age, it wasn’t until mid-adulthood that Holly learned more about her dyslexia and how art helped her to find her voice and speak clearly. “[M]y creativity, visual, […] spatial strengths and problem-solving skills […] are the positive attributes; the flip side of dyslexia,” she says. Always facing life’s challenges head-on, a recent family trauma has channeled Holly’s designs in a new, brave, and healing direction. In this intimate For the Love of Jewelers podcast episode, Holly shares her story of self-reflection and how she has learned to love herself, imperfections and all. 


Metalsmith BenchTalk with Holly Gage, August 15, 2013,


Negative Space Caning using Metal Clay with Holly Gage, Craftcast Live. In this video, award winning jeweler and artist, Holly Gage will show you step-by-step this exciting new technique called negative space caning for use with metal clay.



The Saul Bell Design Award Video with Holly Gage, An interview about Holly's motivation to her piece, "Je t'aime - Dual Flame" 2nd place Award Winner in the Metal Clay category, September 2016.


Highlights of the 2015 Saul Bell Design Award, A pictorial presentation of all winners included. September 2016.



Beads Baubles and Jewels Interview with Holly Gage,  An interview with Holly Gage and Marlene Blessing about her Jewelry and her signature technique, Repoussé Effects in Metal Clay (2009),

Elegant Art Jewelry by Holly Gage, Limited Edition Art Jewelry by Holly Gage Celebrating the Beauty of Life and Nature with a Gentle Blend of Art and Soul (2008),


Best of 2020 Holly Gage created this unique pendant for her Creative Hope Jewelry Project challenge and virtual exhibit, an online event to unite artists in an uplifting expression of hope during a summer of unrest due to coronavirus, social distancing, and social injustice. The back of the piece is the coronavirus which has a flower seedling breaking through it, showing that nothing lasts forever; the front of the pendant is a scene of regeneration, which the earth experienced when all our modern pollution sources were stilled for a month or so at the start of the pandemic. “We don’t think or talk much about the ‘good’ side of COVID-19, understandably, but satellite photos showing the lack of pollution over most major cities earlier this year was as eye-opening as the actual virus,” noted our jurors. “Holly perfectly captured the theme ‘hope’ in her well-designed piece, as well as the event which shaped the year.”



Creativeside Jewelry Academy in Austin, "Master Highlight Series: 
Interview with Holly Gage," January, 2016,


Rio Grande, Saul Bell winner interviews, Interviews with each Saul Bell winner including Holly Gage, September 2016.


Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen, "Holly Gage wins Saul Bell Design Award in Jewelry" by Sandra Jones,  Jun 2, 2015


PMC Connection Cornerstone, "Saul Bell Metal Clay Winners and Ceremony: 
Interview with Janet Alexander, Jennifer Park, Holly Gage, Ivy Solomon, May 20, 2015


Coffelt, Roxanne, "Cutting Bezels on the Silhouette," Shanghai Tai, November 13, 2013, Gage Designs and Holly Gage host artist Wanaree Tanner at her studio.


NEDbeads, "NEDbeads Reviews Metal Clay Fusion," NEDbeads, June 10, 2012, Featured artwork, "Greek Goddess of Love - From the Goddess Collection 2010," by Holly Gage.


Martinez, Yleana,  "Holly Gage: Inventor, Negative Space Caning With Metal Clay," MetalWerx, April 30, 2012,


Rossman, Steve, "Holly Gage Repousse Effects Pendant," Steve Rossman Photo+Marketing, March 15, 2012,


Whiteside, Donna, "My Precious. . .," Barking Dog Gallery, February 8, 2012, review of Holly Gage’s class on prong settings and bezels.


Rose, Emma, "Meadow Pods in Metal Clay" class with Holly Gage , Metal Clay Madness, January 18, 2012,


Nogueira, Kimberly, "The Art and Design of Metal Clay Jewelry Calendar 2012," by Holly Gage Small Eyes, Enormous Things, September 10, 2011,


Rose, Emma, "Repousse in Metal Clay" class with Holly Gage," Metal Clay Madness, September 3, 2011,

DiLeva, Carmela,  "Holly Gage Jewelry - High Impact Effects," Secret Life of Jewelry - A Universe of Hancrafted Art to Wear, September 6, 2009,

Jewett-Brocato, Sally, "Holly Gage: Precious Metal Clay Pioneer Artist," For the Love of Jewels.,  October 8, 2008,


Other Online Sources:

Metal Clay Guru. ​"Holly Gage."


Creative Fire 2015 Saul Bell Design Award Finalists —Metal Clay Category: PART 5. An interview with Holly Gage (May 11, 2015)

Art Jewelry. "5 Jewelry Makers Talk Tools." (July 2013).

Creative Diva. "Jewellery Diva Holly Gage." (February 2013): pp. 20-23.

Making Jewellery. Lawn, Dawn, "Workshop Review: Repoussé Effects with Holly Gage - Two Day Course at the Mid Cornwall School of Jewellery." (December 2010).​



Lancaster News Paper, Arts and Entertainment, March 2020
Corona Jewel
Local Jewelry Artist organizes international show of pieces inspired by the times.

By Mackenzie Miller


Reading Eagle Newspaper, Business Section, Page D8, January 9, 2006

Artist promotes goodwill through designs and charity
Lancaster County’s Holly B. Gage, owner of When Peace Talks Jewelry, incorporates harmony into her work and donates a percentage of her sales to nonprofits.
By Michelle E. Arevalo Reading Eagle correspondent

From ancient amulets and religious medallions to birthstones and mood rings, jewelry often has had a special meaning. Artist Holly B. Gage, owner of When Peace Talks Jewelry, understands this connection. Her work promotes peace through her designs and charitable donations. “There’s a spiritual element to making things and a connection made when someone wears something handmade,” Gage said. “My work is more than just a pretty piece of jewelry. It has meaning behind it.”

When Peace Talks has a mission that is about more than a product. Gage donates a percentage of her sales to the international Adopt-A-Minefield program, which was founded in 1999 and works to clear the globe of land mines. “The organization also helps mine victims get prosthetic limbs, and restores areas by building roads and schools,” Gage said. “I’m thrilled to be involved and at actually being able to help.”

Gage also works with other charities to help them raise money for peaceful causes. “There are three ways I work with nonprofits to help them out: a fundraising event where I sell my work in a space they’ve set aside for me, and they get 20 percent of sales; I can give them space on my Web site, so sales from that [portion of the] site earn them 10 percent of sales; or a 50-50 arrangement in which they buy the pieces from me outright and keep all the sales,” she said.

Gage said her desire to have her work contribute to making positive changes started a few years ago when she and her husband, Chris, were publishing Parents’ Source, a monthly regional parenting magazine they founded in 1994. “I had written a series of articles on peace-related issues — such as nonbullying, anger management and domestic violence — and I realized those ideas only could be taken so far under the theme of parenting,” she said. “At the same time, I was growing and my children were getting older, so I wanted to get back to my artistic roots, and saw a need to help develop more peace.”

The Gages sold the magazine last year. Holly, who has been creating jewelry for more than 20 years and teaching jewelry making since 2004, began When Peace Talks out of her home, two miles over the Berks-Lancaster county line. “Through the magazine, I had worked with many local [non-profit] agencies and knew they had little staff, resources or money, and I wanted to help,” she said. “I researched the symbols extensively and wanted to include those only with no negative connotations or political associations. So I felt I couldn’t include the popular ’60s peace symbol, because it will always be associated with those times.”

Instead she chose a triad of dots inside a ring that symbolizes peace: the past, present and future encircled by eternity. “It also represents the preservation and respect of art, science and religion within different races and cultures,” Gage said.

Gage creates other types of jewelry as well, but has made When Peace Talks separate from her other business, Gage Designs, to preserve its socially conscious mission. “I feel that peace starts with the self, then moves to the family, the community and then the world,” Gage said. “It’s a way of passing it on to the next generation.”

When Peace Talks Jewelry
Address: P.O. Box 614, Bowmansville, PA 17507
Phone: 717-445-5755
Hours: By appointment
Information: Necklaces, bracelets, and earrings designed by jewelry artist Holly Gage, featuring seven different symbols of peace. The medallion is available in sterling silver or pewter.


Charity Work:​

Socially Conscious Jewelry: Look Good, Do Good, and Feel Good!
Help Adopt-A-Minefield®Clear Deadly Landmines with the Purchase of When Peace Talks© Jewelry

Whoever thought a jewelry purchase would have so much impact? With their announcement of a new partnership, When Peace Talks© Jewelry, and Adopt-A-Minefield® are empowering consumers to help clear war-torn areas of deadly landmines.

When you purchase any item from the special When Peace Talks© Jewelry/Adopt-A-Minefield® Store located at, Gage Designs, manufacturers of this unique jewelry line, will donate 10% of your jewelry purchase to support Adopt-A-Minefield®. What better partnership than Gage Designs and Adopt-A-Minefield® to offer socially conscious purchasers the opportunity to do even greater good with a portion of the sale of each item going towards the clearance of minefields in countries around the world and assistance to survivors of landmine accidents.

Adopt-A-Minefield® is a campaign of the United Nations Association of the USA, which engages individuals, community groups, and businesses in the United Nations effort to resolve the global landmine crisis. The campaign helps save lives by raising funds for mine clearance and survivor assistance and by raising awareness about the landmine problem. Every dollar raised for mine action is forwarded to the United Nations and their partners in the field for mine clearance and survivor assistance. A school re-opens, a crop is harvested, a family returns home – all because a minefield was cleared.

When Peace Talks© Jewelry was developed as a personal expression of hope and peace for all people around the world. “We discovered that those with whom we have shared this symbol were uplifted and further motivated by its deep meaning and now people have the ability to make a profound statement, not only when they wear their When Peace Talks© Jewelry, but also in the mere act of buying When Peace Talks© Jewelry. We see the immediacy of spreading the ideals of peace and love, and using our jewelry to support peaceful efforts like those of Adopt-A-Minefield®. This is our way of spreading the positive message of peace in our homes, neighborhoods, schools, and around the world,” says owners Chris and Holly Gage.

If peace could talk, what would it sound like? Its voice would be rich with meaning, speaking a universal language that transcends the borders and boundaries of countries and nationalities, bringing together different faiths and races. When peace talks, it speaks of love, equality, the preservation of and respect for art, science, and religion within different cultures, and world unity passed on to future generations. This is the calming message Chris and Holly Gage would like to spread around the globe.

Each piece in the When Peace Talks© Jewelry line incorporates a concentric representation of peace and love symbols from around the world emblazoned on the front, and comes with an artist’s information statement that fully details the layers of symbolism. Available are Fine Pewter and Sterling Silver Pendants, Sterling Silver Earrings, and Sterling Silver Bracelets.

For more information about fundraising opportunites contact, Holly Gage at Gage Designs, 717-445-5755, P. O. Box 614, Bowmansville, PA 17507 e-mail:




Out of the Shadow into the Light
This special pin/pendant was designed for the Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster Pennsylvania.
It tells the story of the healing that can take place once a family comes "out of the shadows" of pain and violence and "into the light" to get help and start to heal. Notice the underlying need for comfort, the rays of light and hope, and the gentle tug by the child yearning for his/her family to be together, safe, and whole again.
On the reverse side is a pinback and bail to either be affixed to a sweater or lapel or be hung from a chain. The words "Out of the Shadows into the Light" are inscribed on the reverse side. It is made of antiqued fine brushed pewter measuring 3/4 x 1 1/2


Creative Hope Project, 2020

International jewelry community bands together for an exhibit presenting profound images and messages of HOPE. The Creative Hope Jewelry Project Challenge and Virtual Exhibit is designed to be an uplifting expression of hope during a time of unrest while the world Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020, and Stay at Home orders are in place around us. It is serving as a source of inspiration for the creators and viewers alike by allowing them to experience a positive perspective amidst the news of viral spread, frightening consequences, and even death.

Holly Gage, the volunteer project coordinator said, “If an activity such as watching the news can send you spiraling downward with anxiety, then maybe artists working on their pieces and viewers taking in, and enjoying the exhibit, will create the opposite in feeling a sense of calm, hope, and promise.

From a historical perspective, jewelry has always expressed the activities, social movements, and events of the time. If you take a deeper look, you will notice there are underlying statements, cues, and messages telling us about what was happening during that period in history, such as mourning jewelry after the death of Prince Albert in the 1860s or the resurgence of the peace symbol in 1960s during the Vietnam War. This exhibit serves to allow artists to express their feelings, thoughts, and hopes during a time of sacrifice and challenge all around us.

Artist Loretta Hackman submitted a piece entitled, Eagles and Archangels, a two-sided pendant depicting hope and protection. The eagle protects the space between the earth and heaven. The archangel protects both those on earth and in heaven against encroaching evils and injustice.

In artist Valerie Tremelat’s piece entitled: Thinking About Rings Differently Nos. 1, 2 & 3, the rings represent her thoughts and creations going into new and unexpected directions expressing how life feels surreal and turned inside out. Things we always knew to be unfair are being exposed and laid bare. She finds hope in each of us thinking about things differently and working to change our society to be more fair, just, and humane.

Holly Gage, artist, and instructor points out how her piece, named, “Hope” represents the Coronavirus on one side of the pendant wrecking havoc, yet breaking through is a flower, the start of renewal. On the other side is a Lancaster PA valley that is quite beautiful, but was often hazy from pollution. It represents life regenerated, thriving as the Coronavirus is making us stop and slow down giving the world a chance to renew.

All levels of jewelry makers were invited to participate from Beginner, Intermediate to Advanced. Prizes were donated by manufacturers, instructors, and other artists just to make it more fun. Classes, tools, supplies, stones — everything that makes an artist salivate — were given to 1st and 2nd place winners in each category including honorable mention.

Lastly, and maybe the most humbling part of the project, was several artists are choosing to gift their handmade art pieces, in a heartfelt gesture to someone on the front line. For example: a nurse, a first responder, a grocery clerk, or someone who inspired them.

Nancy Heise says, “My greatest joy is giving! It is going to someone who is right in the middle of the epicenter and battling cancer!”

Toby Krell said, “I will offer my piece to our Provincial (Canadian) Minister of Health who has done a wonderful job of directing and reporting to the public.”

Holly Gage said, “This will be going to a friend who just lost her aging mom due to Covid-19. It is such a small token, but I hope it let’s her know she is supported and not alone.”

The final presentation is in a Photo Gallery as well as a series of videos created by volunteer jewelry artist and voice-over artist Amy Johns. The inspiring and uplifting video presentations can be viewed on Youtube at:
Entire Video with all submissions:
Advanced submissions
Intermediate submissions:
Beginner submission:

To view the Photo Gallery go to the Creative Hope Jewelry Project Challenge and Virtual Exhibit  facebook page:

Interviews, blogs, charity work
When Peace Talks by Holly Gage

Reading Eagle: Richard J. Patrick
Holly B. Gage, owner of When Peace Talks Jewelry in Bowmansville, Lancaster County, donates a percentage of her sales to the international Adopt-A-Minefield program

Holly Gage supports Adopt-A-Minefield
Holly Gage supports Domestic Violence Services
Holly Gage supports Adopt-A-Minefield

Available for fundraising advocacy for Peace, Love, Equality, and Non-violence .Please contact me at. or 717-445-5755.

Creative Hope ewelry Project
Holly Gage
Hope by Holly Gage
Creative Hope Jewelry Project logo
Girls with Grafts Interview with Chris and Holly Gage.

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Lancaster, PA USA

© 2025 Gage Designs. All rights reserved. This site and all jewelry designs, artwork, and information are protected under copyright law. Reproduction in whole or part are prohibited.

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